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Click each tab to learn more about the requirements.

UPDATED: This diagram is applicable for VDA 6.3:2023. Please note that effective from October 2021 the VDA no longer issue physical auditor cards. Your certificate serves as proof.

At least three (3) years of industrial experience, of which at least one (1) year is in a quality-related field of activity.

Knowledge of ISO 19011, management systems, customer-specific requirements, and software development processes.

Complete and pass ID415 OR

ID417 if evidence of very good knowledge of the core tools and methods OR

another minimum 2-day Core Tools course (2019 or later) + the VDA Core Tools Quiz

Complete and pass the

4-day ID381 course.

Qualified INTERNAL Process Auditor

ENCONA | Becoming a VDA 6.3 Auditor | Process For Qualification and Certification

ENCONA | Becoming a VDA 6.3 Auditor | Process For Qualification and Certification | Are you unsure about the requirements for becoming a qualified or certified VDA 6.3 Process Auditor? Use this handy flowchart to understand the requirements!

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